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Our enrollment is open year round, depending on the space available at the time of the request.


We accept children from 15 months-6 years old.

What does a typical day look like?

There is no "typical day" but our days follow a natural rhythm. 

Sample daily rhythm...


We begin accepting children at 7:45 for early morning drop off.

Children take off shoes, put away bags and we complete a simple health check before they go to wash their hands and begin the day. 


Goodbyes are done at the door as this cuts down on adults in the building, especially important during this time! 

Our morning exploration time includes small group lessons, stories, dramatic play, music and movement, and play/project based learning time. 


We come together around 11:00 for a group gathering time, bathroom time and handwashing before going outside.

Lunch time is at 12:00 and children play outdoors until 12:30. 

Nap time is 12:30-2:00. 


PreK/Kindergarten students will have quiet time and afternoon prek/k classes focused on math/literacy skills and project based learning opportunities.

After nap time/quiet time, we prepare for dismissal at 3:00 and children are picked up at the playground unless there is inclement weather.

Our outdoor days follow the same schedule and we provide areas for handwashing/sanitizing in our outdoor classroom. 

Sanitizing of toys/high touch surfaces


We use a Green Certified product that is safe for children.

Toys are washed at the end of every week and sanitized daily with our Eco- Safe spray daily. 


High touch surfaces are periodically sanitized throughout the day and handwashing is encouraged during the day, before beginning the day, before eating, and any other necessary time.


Children are taught proper handwashing techniques and hand sanitizer is used throughout the day and when soap and water are not readily available. 

What should my child wear?

Comfort and the ability to change/complete bathroom tasks are so important at this stage. A school shirt and comfortable bottoms should be worn with easy on/off shoes. 

Each child should have a set of extra clothing/shoes in a labelled Ziploc bag. This will stay at school. 

Does my child need to be toilet trained?


We meet children where they are developmentally and assist families in making the transition to the child being fully able to complete the toileting process independently. Teachers liaise with parents to determine readiness and ask parents to provide necessary supplies. 



We understand that making the choice to trust your child with someone else is a difficult one. It is our aim to make the transition as easy as possible.

From our experience, being honest with your child is best.

Let them know that you will be leaving and that you will be back to pick them up. Engage them in an activity and say goodbye.

We will do our best to comfort your child and make them feel at home. 

Communication/Conscious Discipline

We are in constant communication with parents through informal conversations, phone calls and meetings if there is ever a concern that warrants a formal parent teacher conference. 

We know the complexities of behaviours in preschool aged children and we have developed strategies for dealing with them. We use Conscious Discipline breathing excercises and conversations to understand the root causes of the behaviours. Children are given time and space to correct and regulate their own behaviours and adults step in to help when neccessary.  

Lunch/Dietary Needs

Lunch is provided by the parent each day. There are special occasions such as pizza days when lunch is provided at a cost of $5. 

We encourage parents to provide healthy options and enjoy cooking together to try new foods!

If your child has special dietary needs/restrictions, please let us know so that we can ensure that they are adhered to. 


This is the beginning of your child's school life and what we hope is the beginning of a relationship between your family and our school that will impact your life long after your child has moved on!


Please feel free to send us questions, call or visit so that we can discuss our programs with you!

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