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COVID-19/Coronavirus has changed everyone's life in one way or another. It's impact is being felt around the world and here at home as many parents prepare to work from home and children experience virtual school at a time when they would be running on the playground with friends, meeting new teachers and getting hugs as they begin this new journey. 

As we have always done, we will continue to support you and your family in any way that we can. 


We look forward to being able to share useful resources to help you in this stressful time. 

Continue to follow the guidelines of the MOH, wash your hands, stay at home as much as possible, wear your mask if you need to go out and stay a safe distance away from others when you are out and about.


Most importantly, take good care of yourself and your little ones!

We will get through this together as we all do our part!

A child friendly explanation of Coronavirus

Helping With Change of Routines
During this challenging time, your child may have some challenging behaviors because of the changes in routines or because they are feeling the adults' anxieties.  There are many strategies for supporting students through challenging behaviors, including:
Create a routine and a visual schedule to make your child's day more predictable
Use timers to help your child understand the routine
Use a 5-point scale to help your child explain his/her emotions 
Have a quiet space in your house for your child to de-escalate
Make time throughout the day for movement
Prepare your child for changes in routine ahead of time so he/she isn't surprised

Print and use resources for you and your child 

Handwashing Visual

Breathing Exercise

Calm Down Checklist

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